Cherenkov Telescope Array Australia :
Consortium Workshop 4
Western Sydney University - Penrith Observatory, 10 - 11 April 2017
Programme - Penrith Observatory (for location see here)
Talk abstracts are here.
Remote connection via Zoom:
Monday 10 April:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea
- 09:15 Welcome, CTA status & MM/MWL linkages - G. Rowell (U.Adelaide) slides
- 09:45 SKA-CTA linkages - P. Edwards (CSIRO)
- 10:15 Morning tea
- 10:45 CTA and ASKAP-EMU synergy - R. Norris (WSU)
- 11:15 Fast Radio Bursts - S. Bhandari (Swinburne)
- 11:45 MWA transients, AGNs etc - M. Bell (CSIRO)
- 12:15 Properties of the Supernova Remnant Population in the Large Magellanic Cloud - D. Leahy (U. Calgary)
- 12:45 Lunch
- 13:15 Shock-cloud interaction in the Galactic/Magellanic Supernova remnants - H. Sano (Nagoya)
- 13:45 PWNe in young oxygen-rich supernova remnants as TeV sources for CTA - I. Seitenzahl (UNSW) slides
- 14:15 Modeling of TeV emission from propagating CRs and electrons - F. Voisin (U.Adelaide) slides
- 14:45 Afternoon tea
- 15:15 Gas Towards Gamma-Ray-Emitting Supernova Remnants - N. Maxted (UNSW) slides
- 15:45 ISM studies of HESS TeV gamma-ray sources - J. Lau (U.Adelaide) slides
- 16:15 Short break & Zoom check/setup
- 16:30 CTA Sites and Weather Satellites - B. Indermuehle (CSIRO - via Zoom)
- 17:00 CTA-GCT sub project - T. Greenshaw (Liverpool - via Zoom) slides
- 17:30 Discussion
- CTA Key Science Projects - G. Rowell++
- + topics see list below
- 18:30 approx - Dinner at Penrith Obs.
Tuesday 11 April:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea
- 09:15 CTA, HI, and Molecular gas in the Interstellar Medium - J. Dickey (U.Tas)
- 09:45 A tale of two surveys: Improving our census of transition-state gas with GASKAP and SPLASH - J. Dawson (Macquarie U.) slides
- 10:15 Morning tea
- 10:30 The GALPROP cosmic ray propagation code and its relevance to CTA - T. Porter (Stanford)
- 11:00 The Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey - C. Braiding (UNSW)
- 11:30 MALT90+ dense gas with Mopra - J. Jackson (Newcastle) slides
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Discussion
- for topics see list below incl. CTA-Oz website - P. McGee (U.Adelaide)
- 13:30 Neutrino astronomy with IceCube - G. Hill (U.Adelaide)
- 14:00 Diffraction Limited Imaging with CTA: can we make a silk purse from a sow's ear? - P. Tuthill.. (U.Syd)
- 14:30 CR ionisation - N. Tothill (WSU) slides
- 15:00 Afternoon tea
- 15:15 Summary & Discussion
- for topics see list below
- 15:45 Mopra Observing 2017 and Tutorial - C. Braiding, N. Maxted ++ (UNSW)
- 16:15 approx Close
Potential discussion topics:
- CTA linkages with Australian astronomy; MoUs
- Funding Proposals 2018+ (Linkage?)
- CTA and ISM studies: Mopra, Nanten2, ATCA, Nobeyama45m, GASKAP etc....
- Multi-messenger+MWL meetings in Australia 2018+