Physics Careers

Get a Physics Degree and See the World!

Visit the following links to discover a whole world of exciting careers in Physics.
All you need is your passport: a degree in physics!

BrightRecruits - IoP Physics
This site offers vacancies in a wide range of sectors and disciplines where skills such as numeracy, lateral thinking and analysis - the skills that come from studying physics - are highly valued. Search and view the latest posts, studentships and courses in physics, engineering, materials and computing. Many job announcements feature locations in the UK.

The American Institute of Physics
The Career Services division of the American Institute of Physics provides physics job listings which may be browsed via categories including Academic, Bachelor, Technical, Industry, Government, and other positions.

CERN Careers
Home of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, based on the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. CERN is at the forefront of technologies in many fields, and there are opportunities for both working and learning at CERN, including student and graduate programmes, as well as vacancies in many domains such as electricity, mechanics, electronics and computing, etc.

SPIRES HEPJobs Database
This database, maintained by Fermilab and Stanford (SLAC) libraries, lists jobs in the fields of core interest to the High-Energy Physics community. Positions in both experiment and theory are listed.

Quantum and Atom Optics Employment Opportunities
The newsletter of the quantum and atom optics community in Australasia contains advertisements for optics careers throughout the world.

Interested In Becoming A Science Teacher?
The South Australian Science Teachers Association (SASTA) web pages provide comprehensive information about SASTA as well as links and information regarding resources available for science teachers.

Page created by:
Derek B. Leinweber