Cherenkov Telescope Array Australia :
Consortium Workshop 5
UNSW Canberra @ ADFA : 27 - 28 November 2017
Programme - Lecture theatre 3 (LT3) (see here)
Remote connection via Zoom:
Monday 27 November:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea
- 09:15 Welcome, CTA status, MWL linkages overview - G. Rowell (U. Adelaide) slides
- 09:55 CTAO and Australia - J. Murray (AAL) slides
- 10:15 Morning tea
- 10:45 Prospects of Multi-Wavelength Machine Learning Approaches - S. Einecke (U. Adelaide)
- 11:15 Hadrons from Pulsar Wind Nebulae - F. Voisin (U. Adelaide)
- 11:45 Cosmic-Ray sources at >EeV energies - B. Dawson (U. Adelaide)
- 12:15 Australian HPC linkages - C. Power (ICRAR/UWA)
- 12:45 Lunch
- 13:15 The Galactic ASKAP Survey in the CTA era - N. McClure-Griffiths (ANU)
- 13:45 Dense Gas Across the Milky Way - 'Full-Strength' MALT45 - S. Breen (U. Syd.)
- 14:15 Studies of TeV gamma-ray SNRs associated with the interstellar gas - H. Sano (Nagoya Uni.)
- 14:45 Afternoon tea
- 15:15 Gas Towards Gamma-Ray-Emitting Supernova Remnants - N. Maxted (UNSW)
- 15:45 Mopra CMZ Survey - R. Blackwell (U. Adelaide)
- 16:15 Mopra CO Survey status - C. Braiding (UNSW) slides
- 16:45 ISM Study of Carina - G. Wong (WSU/UNSW)
- 17:15 Short break & Zoom check
- 17:30 CHEC status - R. White (MPIK - via Zoom)
- 18:00 Discussion (if time)?
- 19:00 Dinner (Mercure Canberra: Bus leaves ADFA at 18:30)
Tuesday 28 November:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea
- 09:15 Skymapper Transient Survey - A. Moller (ANU)
- 09:45 UTMOST transient studies - C. Flynn (Swinburne)
- 10:15 Morning tea
- 10:30 ASKAP & MWA Wide-Field Surveys - N. Seymour (ICRAR/Curtin)
- 11:00 ASKAP-CRAFT - K. Bannister (ATNF/CASS - via Zoom)
- 11:30 CTA and Dark Matter - C. Balazs (Monash)
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:00 Time-based cleaning & cloud effects on CTA-SSTs - L. Bowman (U. Adelaide)
- 13:30 Meeting Summary & Discussion; Close
- 14:00 Afternoon tea
- 14:30 Mopra 2018 planning