Cherenkov Telescope Array Australia :
Consortium Workshop 5

UNSW Canberra @ ADFA: 27 - 28 November 2017


The CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) is a transformational next step in ground-based TeV (10^12 eV) gamma-ray astronomy. It will utilise the successful methods employed by HESS and others in the field via an array of about 100 imaging Cherenkov telescopes in the Southerm Hemisphere located at Paranal Chile (About 20 telescopes will be in the Northern Hemisphere at La Palma, Canary Islands). CTA will be at least 10 times more sensitive than HESS, and cover a wider energy range from about 20 GeV to well over 100 TeV. Many of the key science topics to be advanced by CTA are summarised in this special edition of the journal Astroparticle Physics. CTA is now in its pre-production phase with the first 10 or so telescopes) to commence construction by end of 2018.

A consortium of six universities (U. Adelaide, UNSW, U. Sydney, U. West. Sydney, ANU, Monash) joined CTA in July 2013. ARC LIEF funding in 2015 and 2017-21 has enabled the consortium to underpin its involvement by contributing hardware to the CTA telescopes. Additional funding from NCRIS (via Astronomy Australia Ltd.) support Australia's engagement in CTA.

Workshop Purpose and Agenda

This 2 day workshop follows on from our previous workshops (in 2013, 2015, Apr. 2016, Sept. 2016 , Apr. 2017 ), and will disuss Australia's role in CTA and linkages with Australian activities in other areas of astronomy. The workshop is open to any astronomers interested in CTA and its science.

Venue - UNSW Canberra @ ADFA (Northcott Drive, Campbell ACT)

The meeting will be held at UNSW Canberra Australian Defence Force Academy, the Canberra campus of UNSW.

The meeting will be held in building 30 (known as Lecture Theatre South) in lecture theatre 3 (LT3).

Some maps to help you find it:

Campus Location in Canberra
Campus Map
Building 30 with lecture theatre 3 (LT3) Ground floor view
Building 30 with lecture theatre 3 (LT3) Lower-ground floor view

Bus Transport: Hotel Mercure to/from - UNSW Canberra

We have arranged a small bus (~25 seater) to transport people to/from the Mercure Hotel and the Meeting venue at ADFA.

Monday: 8:40am pick up at the Mercure Hotel --> UNSW Canberra (ADFA)
Monday: 6:30pm UNSW Canberra (ADFA) --> Mercure Hotel

Tuesday: 8:40am pick up at the Mercure Hotel --> UNSW Canberra (ADFA)

Parking Cars at UNSW Canberra

If you have a car, you can use parking Lot 90 for free. The map for Lot 90 is here


Please register here, indicating if you want to present a talk, and for our catering, any dietary requirements.