Cherenkov Telescope Array Australia :
Multiwavelength Linkages Workshop 1
University of Adelaide, 19 Sept. 2016
Programme - Rm 121 Seminar Room (Physics Building - for location see link)
Video linkup via Zoom:
Monday 19 September:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea (rm 121 seminar room first floor western end of Physics Building)
- 09:10 Welcome, CTA overview and its Key Science Projects - Gavin Rowell (U.Adelaide) slides(pdf) slides(pptx)
- 09:30 AAL & High Energy Multi-Messenger Working Group - Miroslav Filipovic (WSU)
- 10:00 GASKAP (HI/OH) - John Dickey (UTas)
- 10:30 --- Morning tea --- (rm 121 seminar room)
- 11:00 ASKAP EMU - Nick Seymour (Curtin Uni.)
- 11:30 Fast Radio Bursts with UTMOST etc - Chris Flynn (Swinburne)
- 12:00 MWA & low freq. radio transients - Martin Bell (WSU/CSIRO)
- 12:30 --- Lunch --- (rm 121 seminar room)
- 13:00 Discussion (Radio connections)
- 13:45 Skymapper & optical transients - Anais Moller (ANU)
- 14:15 Stellar interferometry & CTA - Tiphaine Lagadec (Uni. Sydney)
- 14:45 --- Afternoon tea --- (rm 121 seminar room)
- 15:00 Discussion (Optical connections)
- 15:30 Mopra CO survey - Catherine Braiding (UNSW)
- 16:00 Nanten2/Nobeyama CO surveys (incl. SNRs) - Hidetoshi Sano (Nagoya)
- 16:30 Mopra/ATCA & CTA - Gavin Rowell (Uni. Adelaide) slides(pdf) slides(pptx)
- 16:50 Discussion
- mm-Radio connections
- topics for CTA-Bologna Meeting (Oct. 2016)
- leveraging Australia's radio/optical facilities for CTA
- new ideas for collaborations
- 17:30 approx - Head off for dinner somewhere (booking for ~6:00pm)