Cherenkov Telescope Array Australia :
Consortium Workshop 6
Monash University, Clayton campus : 5 - 6 April 2018
Talk abstracts are here.
Remote connection via Zoom:
Thursday 5 April:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea
- 09:15 CTA status and Key Science Project opportunities for Australia - G. Rowell (U. Adelaide) slides
- 10:00 Update on Australia's involvement in the CTA Observatory - J. Murray (AAL)
- 10:15 Morning tea
- 10:30 Gravitational wave astronomy and the CTA - P. Lasky (Monash)
- 11:00 Evolutionary Map of the Universe: complementarity to CTA - R. Norris (WSU/CASS)
- 11:30 Synergy SKA - CTA: Supernova remnants as cosmic accelerators - F. Cavallaro (INAF-OACt)
- 12:00 ASKAP Observations of the SCORPIO field - G. Wong (WSU/UNSW)
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:00 The Murchison Widefield Array - GLEAM results - I. Bojicic (WSU)
- 13:30 UTMOST FRB search and trigger program - C. Flynn (Swinburne)
- 14:00 3D view of cosmic ray production sites: SNR interaction with molecular clouds - J. Lazendic-Galloway (Monash)
- 14:30 Afternoon tea
- 14:45 -- Discussion --
- 15:15 The ISM surrounding massive star cluster Westerlund 1 and HESS J1646-458 - C. Snoswell (Adelaide)
- 15:45 Young supernova remnants (ISM and gamma-rays) - N. Maxted (UNSW)
- 16:15 Interstellar gas associated with the Galactic and Magellanic supernova remnants - H. Sano (Nagoya)
- 16:45 The Southern Galactic Plane in CO - C. Braiding (UNSW)
- 17:15 Cherenkov Telescope Ring - D. Elsaesser (Dortmund via Zoom) slides
- 17:45 -- Discussion --
- 18:00 ...head to Mannix College
- 19:00 Dinner (Samsara Restaurant, Glen Waverley; Bus transport leaves 18:25)
Friday 6 April:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea
- 09:15 Bamberg Meeting Report (ISM in the Nearby Universe) - M. Filipovic (WSU)
- 09:45 CTA-SST: CHEC Status and Lab Measurements - S. Einecke (Adelaide)
- 10:15 Morning tea
- 10:30 CTA to probe new Physics - C. Boehm (Uni. Sydney)
- 11:00 Cosmic rays and particle physics studies with CTA - J. Bellido (Adelaide)
- 11:30 KM3NeT - M. de Jong (Nikhef/Leiden Uni.)
- 12:00 Lunch
- 12:30 Gamma-ray Analysis and Prospects for Machine Learning Applications - S. Einecke (Adelaide)
- 13:00 Update on High-Energy Phenomenology of the Inner Galaxy - R. Crocker (ANU)
- 13:30 Gamma-rays and ISM in the CMZ - R. Blackwell (Adelaide)
- 14:00 Optical telescope facilities in Australia - A. Hopkins (AAO)
- 14:30 Afternoon tea
- 14:45 -- Discussion -- & meeting close
- 15:00 Mopra 2018 Planning
- 15:30 ....other ISM surveys & plans (MALT45, Nanten2, APEX, Mopra 2019++ etc..)