Cherenkov Telescope Array Australia :
Consortium Workshop 3
University of Adelaide, 14 - 15 April 2016
Preliminary Programme - Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre (Physics Building - for location see link)
Invited speakers: Yasuo Fukui, John Dickey, Ray Norris, Stefan Wagner, Mark McAuley
Thursday 14 April:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea (rm 121 seminar room first floor western end of Physics Building)
- 09:20 Welcome, CTA overview and Australia's engagement - G. Rowell (U.Adelaide) slides
- 09:30 CTA Status - S. Wagner (Landessternwarte, Heidelberg)
- 10:00 Morning tea (rm 121 seminar room)
- 10:30 Searching for PeVatrons (incl. HESS update) - G. Rowell (U.Adelaide) slides
- 11:00 Dark Molecular Gas - M. Burton (UNSW)
- 11:30 GASKAP & Distribution of Gas in the Milky Way Disk - J. Dickey (UTas)
- 12:00 Mopra CO Survey - C. Braiding (UNSW)
- 12:30 Lunch (rm 121 seminar room)
- 13:15 CTA and our radio telescopes (MWA, ASKAP..) - M. Filipovic (WSU)
- 13:45 Shock-cloud interaction toward the Magellanic SNRs - H. Sano (Nagoya)
- 14:15 LMC SNR 0509-67.5 - Q. Roper (WSU)
- 14:45 Afternoon tea (rm 121 seminar room)
- 15:15 National research infrastructure funding - AAL update - M. McAuley (AAL)
- 15:45 Nanten2/HESS? - Y. Fukui (Nagoya)
- 16:15 TeV Gamma Rays and AGN Physics - G. Bicknell (ANU)
- 16:45 Short break & skype setup
- 17:00 CTA-GCT sub project - T. Greenshaw (Liverpool - via skype) slides
- 17:30 Discussion
- CTA-Australia, Key Science Topics & Tokyo Meeting - G. Rowell++
- + topics see list below
- 18:30 approx - Head off for dinner somewhere (booking for ~7pm)
Friday 15 April:
- 09:00 Coffee/tea (rm 121 seminar room Physics Building)
- 09:15 The Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool (GAMBIT) - M. White (U.Adelaide)
- 09:45 UTMOST - A. Green (USyd - via skype)?
- 10:15 Morning tea (rm 121 seminar room)
- 10:30 The Galactic Centre: VHE Sources and Diffuse CO Gas - R. Blackwell (U.Adelaide)
- 11:00 EMU: Evolutionary Map of the Universe - R. Norris (WSU)
- 11:30 HESS J1745-303: An example of the sources CTA will help shed light on - P. deWilt (U.Adelaide)
- 12:00 Lunch (rm 121 seminar room) - Kerr Grant Theatre used for Physics Seminar
- 13:00 Discussion
- for topics see list below
- 13:30 ISM study of several Pulsar Wind Nebulae - F. Voisin (U.Adelaide) slides
- 14:00 ISM of the Carina Region - G. Wong (WSU)
- 14:30 Icecube GenII upgrade and links with gamma-rays - B. Whelan (U.Adelaide)
- 15:00 Afternoon tea (rm 121 seminar room)
- 15:15 Discussion
- for topics see list below
- 15:45 Mopra Observing Session - C. Braiding (UNSW)
- 16:30 approx Close
Potential discussion topics:
- CTA linkages with Australian astronomy; MoUs
- Funding Proposals 2017+
- Expanding CTA-Australia
- CTA and ISM studies: Mopra, Nanten2, ATCA, Nobeyama45m, GASKAP etc....
- CTA MWL meetings in Australia 2017+