Combined renderings

Gathered here are pictures that result from combining images rendered by different packages. Usually, this will be POV-Ray objects combined with a Terragen background. The compositing was undertaken using The Gimp, as was some post-processing (motion blur, lens flare, noise generation, etc).

In order to avoid the annoying appearance of jagged edges when pasting a selection from the foreground image over the background image, both images were rendered at a somehat larger size than the final images shown here (e.g. 1280x1024 rather than 800x600). After processing with The Gimp, the final composite was resized down to 800x600. Voila- quite smooth edges to most areas of the foreground objects.

Evening all... : two X-wings cruise slowly over a moody, late-afternoon sea. Note the ubiquitous lens flare; but I felt that it actually does add something to this scene (59k)


Six o'clock shadow : a somewhat zippier scene, with new and improved cloud-reflected seas from Terragen (90k)


On the trot : the Millenium Falcon against a desert back-drop. The motion blur is suggestive of the "photo" being taken from an accompanying chase vehicle, rather than a panning shot from a static camera (61k)


Cargo : a corvette and its B-wing escort head off into the morning sun (65k)


Biggles Flies Undone! : same background, different craft. Retro styling- tres chic! (70k)


P-51 : a P-51 Mustang, from a 3DS file, with a Terragen background (70k)