Larry Biedenharn Fellowship

Larry Biedenharn

In 1995 Larry and Sarah Biedenharn generously endowed the University of Adelaide with a gift to establish the Larry Biedenharn Fellowship in Mathematical Physics.

The inaugural Larry Biedenharn Fellow in Mathematical Physics, appointed in 1996, is Max Lohe, a collaborator and friend of Larry Biedenharn. This collaboration began in 1974 after M. Lohe completed his PhD at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, and began work with Larry Biedenharn in the Department of Physics, Duke University, North Carolina on topics in group theory. The collaboration continued for over 21 years, not just at Duke University but also at Los Alamos National Laboratory and later at The University of Texas, Austin , resulting in joint publications in areas such as group theory, the algebra of tensor operators, special functions and quantum groups.

Larry Biedenharn died in February 1996, leaving a lasting legacy of significant research and service to the physics and mathematical physics community. A summary of his achievements appears in the obituary notices of Physics Today.

Larry Biedenharn is buried in Vicksburg, Mississippi.