On Radar Interferometric Techniques in the Situation of Volume Scatter

B. H. Briggs


A volume scatter situation is assumed, and results expected from radar interferometric techniques are derived. It is shown that fictitious scattering points will appear, with the property that the points for different Doppler frequencies lie along a straight line. This line is not in general in the direction of the wind; only if the scatter is isotropic in azimuth will the line coincide with the wind direction. In the presence of turbulence, the effective scattering points still lie along a straight line. However the scattering point for a particular Doppler frequency will be closer to the zenith than it would be in the absence of turbulence. The results apply if smoothed cross-spectra are used. If the cross-spectra are not smoothed, the expected effects are harder to predict.


This paper has been accepted for publication in Radio Science.

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